E78: Purdue in Sweet 16! Colts’ fan impatience and more!
Purdue is marching on, a new Colts’ quarterback is marching in (the news broke an hour after we taped this episode), and Jake is back to give us inane Sweet 16 facts in the latest Episode 78 of Query & Schultz: Purdue survives Texas, Final Four path is paved (*laughs nervously*) Other NCAA Tournament thoughts […]
WATCH: Sage The Owl Returns!
Somehow, for the second time, Sage The Owl got past our rigorous ISC Sports Network security team to force his way in-studio for this week’s taping of Query & Schultz. The hellish bird delighted Jake with his all-birds NCAA Tournament bracket and tormented me with his constant touching… and hideous, 360-degree head turn. You can […]