For a completely non-serious show, we had perhaps our most serious edition in the 9+ year history of Query & Schultz this week. Jake, just four days removed from a massive heart attack, was insistent on doing the show this week and returned to give the full story of his scary episode.
Episode 8 debuted last night and you can watch it here:
WATCH: Query & Schultz Episode 8
You can also watch the streams from last night on ISC Sports Network’s page on Twitter:
Query and Schultz, Tuesdays at 6pm
— ISC Sports Network (@iscsportsnet) October 27, 2020
ISC Sports Network on Facebook:
ISC Sports Network on Facebook: Q & S Episode 8
We can’t thank you enough for all the kind words, tweets, notes, cards, gifts, thoughts, prayers, etc. during this terrible ordeal. Luckily, Jake is happy/healthy and will soon be ready to get back to his ridiculous adventures again. Hope you enjoy this week’s show!